Here are some interesting pieces from Minifigs "Valley of the Four Winds" series. I remember picking them out of a discount bin just because they were so strange.

(L to R - Shouting Head on Arms, Old Woman Changing into Fire, and Walking Mouth)

(L to R - Spiked Two-legged Cat, Large Head on Legs, and Giant Hand)
I always thought that these bizarre figures would have equally bizarre names; like "Hairbaalis - Cat from Hell". After hunting around for quite a long time, finding the actual names was something of a let-down.
**Update: More Valley of the Four Winds info
Wow. Thanks to datawrangler for opening this can of worms that I can't hope to sort out. :-) It seems that the "Valley of the Four Winds" story (serialized in White Dwarf magazine) was written by Steve Jackson* and Ian Livingstone of Games Workshop (under a collaborative pseudonymn) in conjunction with the release of the VFW miniatures from Minifigs. Sometime later, Games Workshop also released a VFW board game.
You can read more about it in this excellent review at
(Which also gives a detailed summary of the backstory.)
* That's the British Steve Jackson, not the American Steve Jackson (of Steve Jackson Games)
You can see several group pictures of more VFW minis at
**Update #2: The Great Bell and Tower
The Great Bell and Tower, one of the major story elements and a large multi-piece figure set is being re-released by
>Game Figures Inc / Minifigs America<.